ACEH - The Customs and Police Joint Team thwarted the smuggling of illegal cigarettes with a value of up to Rp. 6.6 billion in the waters of North Aceh Regency.

Head of the Customs and Excise Facility Division of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise Aceh Province Isnu Irwantoro said the joint team confiscated 3.3 million illegal cigarettes in the action.

"The confiscated cigarettes did not have an excise tape attached. The state's losses from excise and cigarette taxes in the prosecution amounted to more than Rp. 3.5 billion," said Isnu in Banda Aceh, Antara, Friday, January 21.

Isnu Irwantoro said the prevention of illegal cigarette smuggling involved the Regional Office Team of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise for Aceh Province, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, the Special Regional Office for the Riau Islands.

Then the Lhokseumawe Customs Team, Patrol Vessel Task Force BC 30004, and supported by personnel from the Directorate of Air and Water Police (Ditpolairud) of the Aceh Police. The joint operation began with information from the public that there were fishing boats loaded with illegal cigarettes from abroad heading for Aceh waters.

Furthermore, said Isnu Irwantoro, the Joint Customs and Excise Team and the National Police carried out land and sea patrols. From the patrol, information was obtained that the ship was headed for Kuala Cangkoi, North Aceh Regency.

"The joint team with the patrol boat BC 30004 headed to Kuala Cangkoi and found the ship. Then, the joint team checked and found the ship loaded with illegal cigarettes," said Isnu Irwantoro.

During the operation, three crew members each with the initials R, SB, and S were secured by the authorities. The three crew members along with evidence of illegal cigarettes were then taken to the Lhokseumawe Customs Office for further inspection.

The three crew members have now been detained. They are suspected of violating Article 56 of Law Number 39 of 2007 Jo. Law Number 11 of 1995 concerning Excise.

"The penalty is imprisonment of one to five years and a fine of two to 10 times the excise value. We also invite the public if they find illegal cigarettes to immediately inform Customs and Excise," said Isnu.

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