SOLO - Vandalism has resurfaced in one corner of the city of Solo. In order to overcome this, the relevant authorities will increase supervision.

"In terms of monitoring similar actions, we will tighten supervision at a number of public locations, such as Jalan Adi Sucipto, Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Plaza Manahan, and a number of city parks in Solo," said Surakarta City Satpol PP Head Arif Darmawan in Solo, as reported by Antara, Friday, January 21.

He said another form of surveillance that had been carried out was taking pictures of the area so that if there was an act of vandalism, it could be identified more quickly.

"We have identified, we have taken photos and once a week there is a patrol so that the tracking can be faster. We are also coordinating with the region and communicating with residents to participate in monitoring," he said.

Thus, if there is an act of vandalism, it can be easier to track down the perpetrator. Previously, vandalism was found again in the Sumber Village area, Banjarsari District, Solo. He said two people were identified as perpetrators. The two people who came from Sangkrah, Solo and Sukoharjo, were known to have scribbled like murals on empty shop doors in the area.

"The action we take is to provide guidance, provide understanding so that please enter the community. They are independent, it violates Regional Regulation Number 10 of 2015 concerning Environmental Protection and Management," he said.

He also asked the perpetrators to write a statement not to repeat the act. In addition, the perpetrators were also asked to repaint the door of the building.

Meanwhile, related to the mural activity, the Surakarta City Government has prepared several locations, including in the Gatot Subroto, Manahan, and Laweyan areas.

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