JAKARTA - Economist Faisal Basri accused the oligarchic group of project sharing mode in the plan to move the country's capital city (IKN) from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

This is because, said Faisal, the construction project in the new nation's capital will not be carried out using a tender auction system, but will be appointed directly.

"This is one of the modes for distributing concessions at will because later there will be no tender process. Everything is pointed out directly. In fact, there is no law yet, and there is no law to distribute stalls," said Faisal in a virtual discussion on Youtube Friends of ICW. , Friday, January 21.

Faisal gave an example, the provision of clean water at IKN will be carried out by Hashim Djojohadikusumo. Hashim is a conglomerate who is also the younger brother of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto.

"Hashim can procure a drinking water company. Then later there will also be who can build government offices, who gets the procurement for green energy development. There are various things," said Faisal.

Then, Faisal also suspects that the IKN development project is also related to the establishment of a cement factory in East Kalimantan. This factory belongs to a Chinese company, Hongshi Holding Group.

"Hongshi Holding will negotiate the procurement of cement for the construction of the capital, 'from here (procurement), the cost is cheaper'. So, the process has started to divide up," he said.

Moreover, said Faisal, the construction of the new capital city will be accelerated, at least before Jokowi's term ends in 2024. He suspects this is done so as not to interfere with the distribution of projects that have been planned.

"This is what the Chairman of Bappenas said, yes. At the very least, Pak Jokowi will lead the Indonesian independence ceremony at the Palace (in the new capital) in 2024. So, hurry," said Faisal.

"If we analyze it, before 2024, the distribution must be done. Who can get what has to be done, anticipate Pak Jokowi whose term cannot be extended. So, it must be completed in Pak Jokowi's era so that the distribution (of the project) is certain," he continued.

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