BALIKPAPAN - Head of the Regional Office of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Pujo Harinto, asked his staff not to be afraid in dealing with acts of terror suspected of being part of the resistance from drug dealer networks in the area. "As long as we are right, we must not back down and move on. the way," he said, in his statement in Pekanbaru, Riau, Friday, January 21. He said it was related to the case of the attack on an Isuzu Panther car belonging to the Head of Security at the Pekanbaru Penitentiary, Efendi P Purba, by burning it while it was parked in front of the official residence of the head of the prison. Pekanbaru, at Bukit Cendana Housing Center, Thursday (20/1/2022). This case, he said, was the second attack in which previously the official house of the head of the Penitentiary Division of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Maulidi Hilai, on Jalan Kapling, North Tangkerang Village, Bukit Raya District, was attacked Thursday dawn (16/9/2021)."The crime mode used is the same as that carried out against the Head of the Riau Ministry of Law and Human Rights, throwing gasoline that was put in a bottle with a ignited the fire," he said. For that, they have cooperated with the police to investigate this case. Harinto said that he could one day experience the terror, other officials from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and also the employees who guard the drug block.

He said the institution he leads is the last section of law enforcement agencies that accommodate people who "failed products". People who fail to produce education, fail to cultivate religion, have weak faith and are weak in the economy, as well as social factors. Drug dealers are easily tempted to get a lot of money the easy way. "The drug distribution network is quite large, even the market is quite large. One way to suppress drug cases is to build a Drug Control Block in Pekanbaru Class II Penitentiary which follows the same system in Pekanbaru. Nusakambangan Prison," he said. The existence of this Drug Control Block, he said, serves to suppress the activities of inmates who have the potential to control drug trafficking from within the prison. The drug convicts actually stated that the prison officers had no heart because their activities were very limited, including not being allowed to have cellphones, and others by implementing high-level security. ). Such as acts of terror carried out by unknown people again experienced by employees of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Riau, allegedly carried out by a gang of drug dealers whose kingpins were detained in the Drug Control Block.

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