JAKARTA - Spokesman for the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction of the DPR RI, Yanuar Prihatin, said that there would be no general election in the Indonesian capital.

"In IKN there are no elections," said Yanuar at the DPR Building, Thursday, January 20.

The man who is also a member of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill explained that there are no DPRD members in the capital city of the archipelago.

"However, there will still be a national election to elect the President, DPR and DPR," he said.

The project to move the nation's capital city from Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, is just a matter of time after the enactment of the Draft State Capital Law (RUU IKN) into the IKN Law at the DPR RI plenary meeting, Tuesday, January 18.

The discussion of this law was fairly fast because it only took 43 days, starting from December 7, 2021 until it was ratified on January 18, 2022. Later, the agreed capital city named Nusantara will be led by the Chairman of the Authority who is directly elected by President Joko Widodo.

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