JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction of the DPR RI, Yanuar Prihatin, responded to the question of the 4 names of the Head of the National Capital Authority of the Archipelago, which President Joko Widodo had mentioned. Among them, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, Abdullah Azwar Anas, and Tumiyono.

The member of the Special Committee for the IKN Bill explained that the Law on IKN mandates that the Head of the IKN Authority be appointed and appointed by the President no later than 2 (two) months after this Law is passed.

"Since this law does not explicitly specify the criteria for the Head of the IKN Authority, this criterion is entirely with the President," Yanuar told VOI, Thursday, January 20.

However, Yanuar continued, the DPR should remind that the Head of the IKN Authority should be a person who has stronger soft skills than hard skills.

"Why? This is the new capital city. Everything starts from scratch. Designing a new capital city is not just about technical aspects such as spatial planning, structuring and infrastructure development," Yanuar explained.

According to him, the most important thing in the early stages is the attitude of local people's acceptance of this new capital city. The reason is, many things will be in direct contact with the needs, interests and desires of the community.

"The tribes there want the presence of the capital city in East Kalimantan not to ignore the cultural, spiritual, welfare, justice and local identity principles. Do not let them be disturbed and threatened by the presence of the capital city in their territory," he stressed.

In addition, continued Yanuar, the residence, land and livelihoods of local residents affected by the presence of the national capital are not trivial matters. If this is not resolved from the start, he said, the construction and development of the nation's capital will face problems with the local community.

"Who should anticipate and solve this problem? Of course the Head of the IKN Authority," he said.

Yanuar also reminded that the Head of the IKN Authority must be a person who has high empathy for problems in society. The main thing is how to communicate well with the citizens.

"Imagine, if the Head of the IKN Authority is a person who does not have cultural and ethnic sensitivity, let alone has no empathy for the interests of local residents, the physical development of IKN will face serious challenges," he explained.

"If the Head of Authority's communication skills are poor, things will get even more complicated," said Yanuar.

This, said Yanuar, implies that the Head of the IKN Authority must have the ability to explore the spiritual atmosphere of the residents there. Understand what they want, understand how to respect customary rights.

On top of that, he added, he was able to convince the local community that the presence of IKN would have a positive impact on their future.

"This is a soft skill because it is related to the character, character, subtlety, moral politeness, humility, adaptability of a Head of the IKN Authority. So, this is not just a matter of organizing and physically building a new city," said Yanuar.

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