JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a hand arrest operation (OTT) at the Surabaya District Court on Wednesday, January 19 yesterday. During the silent operation, three people were caught and one of them was a judge.

Who is the judge?

Spokesman for the Supreme Court (MA) Andi Samsan Nganro revealed that the judge who was involved in the prosecution was Itong Isnaeni Hidayat. He got this information from the Chairman of the Surabaya District Court.

Andi said that Itong was caught this morning, Thursday, January 20 at around 05.00 WIB. This arrest occurred when the KPK came to the Surabaya District Court.

"Information from the chairman of the Surabaya District Court that this morning at around 05.00-05.30 WIB the KPK came to the Surabaya District Court office and saw Itong Isnaeni Hidayat's car in his car," Andi told reporters, Thursday, January 20.

Meanwhile, the substitute clerk who was arrested by the KPK, said Andi, was Hamdan. "According to the chairman of the Surabaya District Court, this arrest was only discovered this morning when the KPK came to the Surabaya District Court," he said.

After making the arrest, the KPK then sealed it in Itong's room. The Supreme Court admitted that he had not been able to explain what case was being tried until finally the rioting took place.

"In order to find out what really happened, we are waiting for the KPK's official explanation," said Andi. Previously, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, said that his party had conducted an OTT at the Surabaya District Court. Three people were arrested, namely the judge, the clerk, and the lawyer.

In addition, the KPK team also helped secure money up to hundreds of millions. However, the exact number has not been specified because development is still underway.

"It is true that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has carried out active arrests at the Surabaya District Court by securing a sum of money and related parties yesterday afternoon," said Ghufron to reporters.

Furthermore, the KPK has 1x24 hours to determine the legal status of the party involved in the silent operation. They are currently investigating all three.

"Furthermore, we will announce it after the inspection we have done," he said.

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