RF License Plate Car For Odd-even Violators To Be Dealt With, Trafficked By Polda Metro: There Is No God Plate

JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya does not indiscriminately ticket vehicles with 'RF' or special plates that violate the rules. Moreover, the odd-even rule has been enforced in the Jakarta area.

"There is no god plate, everyone must obey the rules," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo when contacted, Tuesday, January 18.

Actions against the RF plates have been carried out at several points. This action also provides education to the public if the rules are still enforced to anyone who violates them.

"(The location of the action, ed) Sudirman-Thamrin, TL Kuningan, HI roundabout, city toll roads, and others," said Sambodo.

Sambodo emphasized that the actions taken were not only focused on odd-even rules. The police will also take action against violations of the use of the rotator to the use of the left lane on toll roads

"(Violations, red) odd-even, rotator, left lane on the toll road, all must obey," said Sambodo.

For information, the odd-even rule applies on 13 roads. This rule applies Monday to Friday.

Then, the odd-even shifts are divided into 2 shifts, namely, morning and evening. Starting at 06.00-10 WIB in the first session, then 16.00-21.00 WIB.

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