The Mampang Prapatan Police have arrested a man suspected of stealing at a cafe in East Kemang, Bangka, South Jakarta. The perpetrator had become the target of local residents for his actions.

"Perpetrator's initials are A, born in 1995. Coincidentally, our members from Binmas were immediately secured to the Polsek at around 06.00 WIB," Supardi said when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 18.

Supardi also said that his party was still waiting for the victim to make a police report against the perpetrator for further action.

One of the local residents, Iswad (61), said the theft occurred at around 3:45 am. He also explained that one of the security officers who was on guard at the cafe caught the perpetrator's action.

"He (the security officer) was buying coffee at the shop. He saw that the shop closing chain had been opened. He saw that there was already a parked motorbike," he said.

Suspicious of the existence of the motorbike, continued Iswad, the security officer approached the cafe to ascertain the situation.

"It turns out that the person (owner) of the motorbike is already inside the cafe. Mr. Tedy (security officer) is waiting for the perpetrator outside," said Iswad.

Not long after, the perpetrator then left the cafe and met those who caught the theft and received threats from the perpetrators.

"The perpetrator had threatened Tedy. He said 'I shot' when he took it out, a knife. Mr. Tedy wanted to be stabbed but avoided. Finally got into a fight. The middle finger of Tedy's left hand was injured," said Iswad.

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