BULELENG - The government has started to implement the third dose of vaccination or commonly known as booster vaccine to all communities in a number of regions in Indonesia, including the province of Bali. For this first stage, a booster vaccine is given to the elderly. The provision of this vaccine is expected to increase people's immunity against new variants of COVID-19 such as the current Omicron variant. PT General Energy Bali (GEB) as the manager and owner of the PLTU Celukan Bawang, is waiting for the booster vaccine to be implemented for all employees of the PLTU Celukan Bawang.

For all employees of the PLTU Celukan Bawang, this booster vaccine is very important because it will strengthen immunity and prevent employees from being exposed to COVID-19 which will affect their performance in operating the PLTU to provide electricity for the community. Especially ahead of the government's grand celebration in holding a meeting of the G20 Summit countries in Bali.

"In current conditions, maintaining it is much better than treating it. Vaccination is a preventive measure that can be done to provide immunity so that we can have resistance when exposed to the virus. After previously we received stage 1 and 2 vaccines, now there is another usual stage 3. It is called a booster vaccine. We hope that the provision of this vaccine can be realized immediately for the entire community & can run smoothly," hoped Indriati Tanutanto as Vice Manager of Adm & GA PT GEB, to VOI.

Menjaga kesehatan para karyawan jadi prioritas PLTU Celukan Bawang. (Foto Ist)
Maintaining the health of employees is a priority for the Celukan Bawang PLTU. (Illustration Between)

At the Celukan Bawang PLTU, continued Indri, so far, he is still waiting for the local government's policy to realize this booster vaccine.

As previously, they are also actively collaborating with the local government and relevant agencies in administering phase 1 and phase 2 vaccines. In this case, the GEB is waiting for a schedule from the government for vaccination. "All of our employees, both foreign and local, are expected to receive all vaccines without exception," he continued. "When is the time for the implementation of the vaccination, we'll just have to wait for the government, wait and see," he continued.

Health Protocol

Before the discourse of this third vaccine until it will be realized today, GEB has always implemented strict health protocols for all employees and visitors / guests. Especially employees who happen to have assignments outside the PLTU area. "For those who travel outside the PLTU but are still within the Buleleng Regency, they must submit the RTA antigen test results when they want to re-enter the PLTU site. But if the trip is outside Buleleng Regency, for example to Denpasar or further than that, we requires a PCR test first if you want to enter the PLTU Celukan Bawang area," he said.

Penerapan protokol kesehatan begitu ketat di PLUT Celukan Bawang. (Foto Ist)
The implementation of health protocols is very strict at the Celukan Bawang PLUT. (Ist Photo)

The same thing happened to guests who would come to PLTU Celukan Bawang. If the guest is still from the Buleleng Regency area, it is enough to submit the RTA antigen test results. However, if the guest is from outside the Buleleng district, he must show the results of the PCR test which is valid for 2 x 24 hours.

Especially for those from abroad, added Indriati T, there is an additional 14-day quarantine before entering the PLTU Celukan Bawang area. "We have to do this to ensure that the transmission of COVID-19 can be minimized, especially now that there is a variant of Omicron which is a scourge of all countries. So those who interact at our place are clear about their origins. When someone is exposed, they can be traced," said Indriati.

GEB hopes that the situation will improve day by day in line with the government's efforts to provide booster vaccines. Community immunity or herd immunity can really be realized at all levels of society, including the PLTU Celukan Bawang. "Let's pray that the situation will be more conducive and the spread of the COVID-19 virus will continue to decline so that the economy can move, people can slowly return to their activities as before, as before the pandemic but still with strict procedures," hoped Indriati.

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