JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that currently no students or teachers have been exposed to the Omicron variant, although dozens of schools were temporarily closed due to the findings of COVID-19 cases.

"Alhamdulillah, until today there has not been a single case of Omicron in schools. Hopefully there will never be," said Riza to reporters, Monday, January 17.

So far, 19 cases of COVID-19 have been found in schools that are implementing face-to-face learning (PTM) with a capacity of 100 percent of students.

Corona cases are spread across 15 schools. As a result, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government temporarily closed the 15 schools for five days. Then, now there are 3 schools that have returned to hold PTM, namely SMAN 71 Jakarta, SMK Assisi, and SMK Malacca.

For this, Riza asked all school residents and parents of students to continue to implement strict health protocols to minimize the spread of COVID-19 during PTM at school.

"Please support all parties, especially parents, to ensure that all of their children who go to school continue to implement health protocols strictly, obediently, disciplined, and full of responsibility. Make sure school and returning home don't stop by playing and so on, "explained Riza.

As is known, as of January 16, there were 566 new cases added, so that currently active COVID-19 cases in Jakarta reach 3,816 people who are still being treated or undergoing isolation.

Meanwhile, the findings of COVID-19 cases of the Omicron variant in the Capital City have reached 720 cases. Of the total Omicron cases, 567 were foreign travelers and the remaining 153 were cases of local transmission.

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