SLEMAN - The Sleman Regency Government, Special Region of Yogyakarta, socialized the Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 45 of 2022 concerning Home Hours or Children's Rest Hours to prevent street crimes or "klithih" involving youth.

The socialization was initiated by the Public Welfare Section of the Regional Secretariat of Sleman Regency in collaboration with the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population and Family Control (P3AP2KB) of Sleman Regency.

This socialization activity targets youth in Sleman Regency who are members of a number of youth organizations.

Head of the Welfare Section of the Regional Secretariat of Sleman Regency, Mustadi said, the socialization was a follow-up to the Sleman Regent's hearing with the Sleman Children's Forum (Forans) some time ago.

"This activity is expected to be one of the real efforts to help minimize crimes committed by children/adolescents on the streets," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 17.

He said that this socialization is also expected to help open the horizons of teenagers in channeling the more energy they have in a positive way to support the Sleman Movement Towards Creative Youth and Realizing Creative Youth.

The event was also attended by representatives from a number of regional apparatus, namely the P3AP2KB Service, Satpol PP, Transportation Service, Education Office, Youth and Sports Service, Ministry of Religion, Social Service, Communications, and Information Service, Sleman Police, and Sleman Kodim.

In addition, the socialization was attended and opened directly by the Deputy Regent of Sleman, Danang Maharsa.

Danang Maharsa expressed his appreciation for the socialization carried out by the Welfare Section of the Regional Secretariat of Sleman Regency and the P3AP2KB Office of Sleman Regency.

Danang said the socialization of Perbup No. 45 of 2020 concerning Home Hours/Child Rest Hours is one of the efforts of the Sleman Regency Government to realize child protection and family welfare in Sleman Regency.

"I hope this socialization activity can be a vehicle for education for all parties involved, both children, parents from other community components as well as technical service officials," he said.

According to him, Perbup Number 45 of 2020 is not only an effort to limit children's activities outside the home, especially from 22.00 to 04.00 western Indonesia time.

This effort is also expected to be able to optimize study hours at night and increase the opportunities for parents to be able to direct and supervise children's activities in positive ways.

"Especially at this time street crimes are re-occurring in Sleman Regency, so efforts are needed to provide protection to children so they don't become victims of street crimes or do not become perpetrators of street crimes," he said.

He said, of course, this effort must be accompanied by various other efforts such as strengthening the foundation of spiritual values, providing and facilitating creative spaces for children and so on.

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