JAKARTA - Director of Prevention and Control of Directly Infectious Diseases of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Siti Nadia Tarmizi said there were 748 cases of Omicron in Indonesia as of January 15, 2022.

"As of January 15, 2022, it has been reported that there have been 748 positive confirmed cases in which most of the positive Omicron cases were 569 foreign travelers, and 155 local transmissions," said Nadia in the Webinar Indonesian Congress Symposium on Combating COVID-19 19 Pandemic without Boundaries in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, January 16.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health is still conducting an epidemiological investigation for 24 other positive Omicron cases.

"If we look at probable cases of Omicron, there are currently approximately 1,800," said Nadia.

He said that the most cases of foreign travellers were Saudi Arabia, followed by Turkey, which is generally tourists, America, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates.

To tackle the spread of the Omicron variant, the Government of Indonesia continues to make various efforts to strengthen at the entrances, especially regarding restrictions and regulating the duration of the quarantine period for foreign travelers.

Currently, the policy is still in effect that every positive Omicron case must be isolated centrally, both at the Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran, DKI Jakarta and at the referral hospital. independently, but will be subject to close supervision from the Community Health Center and local health care facilities and support from telemedicine services.

The Indonesian government continues to urge the public to continue implementing health protocols because Omicron tends to be asymptomatic and encourages local governments to strengthen testing and contact tracing to immediately localize potential clusters or spikes in cases.

Strengthening of whole genome sequencing is also ongoing, and the use of the Peduli Protect application must be strengthened as part of efforts to carry out contact tracing and also to quickly locate Omicron cases.

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