BANTEN - The Banten Provincial Government is conducting data collection in three locations affected by the earthquake in Lebak Regency, Pandeglang Regency, and several in Serang Regency. Along with this, emergency management is also carried out.

Based on data collected until Saturday, January 15 morning, until 10:00 WIB, there were no fatalities from yesterday's earthquake. As for the number of damaged houses in the three areas as many as 1,231 houses with details of 226 heavily damaged, 290 moderately damaged, and 715 lightly damaged.

With each detail in Pandeglang Regency as many as 214 were heavily damaged, 269 moderately damaged, and 617 lightly damaged, out of a total of 28 sub-districts and 123 villages.

Meanwhile, in Lebak Regency, 12 were heavily damaged, 12 were moderately damaged and 98 were lightly damaged, out of a total of 15 sub-districts and 32 villages. And for Serang Regency there are 9 moderately damaged, from a total of 3 Districts and 4 Villages.

Banten Governor Wahidin Halim (WH) through the Executive Head (Kalak) of Banten Province BPBD Nana Suryana said, for the people who were affected by the damage to their houses, until now they were still evacuating to the houses of their relatives who were not affected.

"We have not opened refugee camps, because people still choose to stay at their relatives' houses," he said, Saturday, January 15.

Apart from damage to houses, the impact of the 6.7 magnitude earthquake also damaged a number of school buildings, service offices, and places of worship.

In Pandeglang Regency, from the number of sub-districts and villages above, there are 13 schools, 14 health centers, 4 religious facilities, 3 government offices, and 1 business place that was damaged.

Meanwhile, in Lebak Regency, 5 schools were damaged, 2 public facilities and 1 village office. Meanwhile, in Serang Regency, no damage was found.

Nana continued, in accordance with the instructions of the Governor of Banten after yesterday's earthquake, his party was asked to collect data on damaged houses and other facilities, and the main thing is to look for potential casualties.

"Thank God there were no fatalities, only 2 Lebak residents were lightly injured," he explained.

To ensure food needs for the earthquake-affected communities, Nana said that assistance had been distributed to Munjul District and now it will be re-distributed to Sumur District.

"Aside from us (Banten Provincial Government), there is also food assistance from the Regional Police and the Pandeglang Regency Social Service Office. If there are other parties who will provide food and other assistance, they will be centered in their respective Forkopimcam. Later from there, it will be directed to the distribution process anywhere. Unless the assistance has been withdrawn by the Regency, the coordinator is directly the Regional Head or the Regent. Including if there are volunteers who want to help, that's the coordination with Forkopimcam, "he added.

For the construction of public kitchens, he continued, the Banten Province BPBD did not immediately establish it, considering the situation at the location was still quite under control. However, it is also possible that his party will establish a public kitchen.

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