MEDAN - Following the Onslag claim given by the Medan Public Prosecutor's Office in the alleged case of making a fake deed with the defendant David Putra Nugroho, the legal team for reporting Jong Nam Liong, Longser Sihombing, continues to seek justice.

The onslag demands received by the defendant were read out by the Public Prosecutor (JPU), Riachard Sihombing and Chandra Naibaho to the Prosecutor's Commission (Komjak) and the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung), Monday 3 January.

Then, the two prosecutors served at the Medan District Attorney's Office, and Longser Sihombing also reported it to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia and Commission III of the DPR. The entire report, filed by Longser, on the same day.

To ensure that the report was processed, Longser returned to the Attorney General's Office for Supervision (Jamwas), Tuesday, January 11. He was also received directly by Jamwas staff and Kapuspenkum staff, DB Susanto.

Longser explained that the meeting was to provide the actual facts in the case of the alleged False Deed Number 8 dated 21 July 2008 in Singapore for the period from 30 June 2008 to 5 September 2008.

"We as the victim's attorney express our objection to the recommendation of the special examination results on November 15, 2021 and the results of the exposure of the Rentut Monday, December 27, 2021 at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office of the Pidum, for ignoring the mandate of the formulation of Article 184 of the Criminal Code concerning 5 valid pieces of evidence," Longser told reporters. in Medan, Friday, January 14.

Longser explained that the two prosecutors did not see the considerations and facts presented at the trial. Where, as evidenced by data on overseas crossings and Jong Nam Liong's passport.

"After the defendant and friends ordered to make a fake deed. Next, took and or transferred the certificate of building use rights and property rights from the safe belonging to 6 other people, namely Jong Nam Liong, Mimiyanti, Yong Gwek Jan, Juliana, Weni and Deni and Mimiyanti's personal certificate, accused David Putra Negoro alias Lim Kwek LIong, Notary Fujiyanto Ngariawan, SH (DPO) and Lim Soen Liong alias Edi (DPO)," said Longser.

With that, Longser assessed the onslag or acquittal against the defendant, which was read out by Riachard Sihombing and Chandra Naibaho at the Medan District Court some time ago. That the Prosecutor was impressed by typing the demands in a hurry and did not submit a resume of information from the 5 valid pieces of evidence.

"The prosecutor only said that the five pieces of evidence are valid, in our view. This is considered not objective considering the facts revealed in the trial. So we judge that there is no justice for the victims," said Longser.

Longser questioned that related to the conduct of the examination, and the reading of the acquittal, which seriously violated the sense of justice, the Attorney General needed to disclose. What is the background of the examination and Rentut conducted at the AGO's Pidum.

"What is the size or variable, are all the same cases also examined and the results are in the AGO's Pidum? Meanwhile, we have questioned the progress of our complaint letters about 10 times to the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia without a response," said Longser.

Longser explained that based on the opinion of legal experts, the material requirements were in accordance with the formulation of the suspicion and or indictment of Article 266 of the Criminal Code and or Article 264 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 362 of the Criminal Code and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code yo 55 of the Criminal Code yo 56 of the Criminal Code.

"In these articles, there is not a single article that Onslag can sue. We also dispute the opinion of the results of the examination which says this case is a matter of inheritance dispute. That until now, there is no registered lawsuit against the heirs. So whoever or who are the elements which assumes that there is an inheritance issue is a lie and or a statement that is not based on and is misleading," said Longser.

Longser accused the Medan Attorney General's Office and the Public Prosecutor's Office as well as the AGO's Pidum exposure team that it was very clear to take sides with the defendant. With that, judging by the prosecution's claim to mention onslag.

Longser said that the partiality was proven by not digging and not revealing in the exposure and prosecution of the Public Prosecutor by not reading the statements of witnesses, documentary evidence and statements of 3 experts.

"Instructions and statements from the defendant, because the trial for charges only lasted about 1 hour. With notes and questions from our legal counsel for the victim, which of us is his property, he is willing to be voluntarily controlled by another party for 30 years," said Longser.

However, Longser hopes that there will be justice in the Medan District Court. With that, he continues to hope that the chairman of the assembly, Dominggus Silaban, can decide this case in the best possible way.

"For this matter, we request that a visual video recording be made and/or disclosed, the recording of Tuesday, January 4, 2022, a trial will take place with 2 agendas, namely a pledoi and a verbal replik. ' said Longser.

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