JAKARTA - The commercial sex worker (PSK) operation that was held in the Tanah Abang area was marked by an argument between members of the TNI who were carrying out a raid with someone claiming to be a member of the TNI.

The argument was triggered by an attempt to arrest a woman suspected of being a prostitute who was in a shop near a waste disposal area in the Tanah Abang area. When they were about to be arrested by the Satpol PP, the woman who claimed to be a shop keeper complained to a stocky middle-aged man who claimed to be a member of the TNI. Until finally there was an argument, the woman was finally released.

The debate between TNI members and men who claim to be TNI is still going on.

"Who are you? He calls Babinsa, I'm Babinsa. I don't accept it," said a member of the Tanah Abang Babinsa at the location, Thursday, January 13, evening.

Then a man in a dark red shirt who claimed to be a member of the TNI tried to help the man in the black shirt.

"I mean Adi here, never mind," said the man in the dark red shirt.

But the action got hotter when both parties felt offended by the misunderstanding.

"Don't call me Babinsa, I'm Babinsa. Who are you? What's the matter with seniors. Who are you? You're backing?" asked the Tanah Abang Babinsa member.

The situation heated up as the tone of the conversation between the two got higher.

"I already said that I am a senior. Who is backing? We are the same Ijo (TNI). I stopped by here, who is backing? Who are you?," said the man who claimed to be a member of the TNI.

Then the Tanah Abang Babinsa member reiterated that the man's actions were wrong.

"If you think your senior is wrong, you are backing," added the member of the Tanah Abang Babinsa to the man who was at the raid location.

To avoid an increasingly heated action, other Tiga Pilar officers attempted to mediate between the two parties.

Meanwhile, Tiga Pilar officers who carried out operations on the women of the night again continued operations to other points.

As a result of the operation, 14 women suspected of being prostitutes were secured by officers, while the other 3 were PMKS.

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