JAKARTA - North Korea defended its missile test as its legitimate right to self-defense, saying the United States (US) is deliberately escalating the situation by imposing new sanctions, state media reported on Friday, citing the Foreign Ministry.

North Korea's recent development of a 'new type of weapon' is only part of its efforts to modernize its national defense capabilities, not targeting any specific country or endangering the security of neighboring countries, a spokesman for North Korea's Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried on state news agency KCNA.

"The US accusation of using the DPRK's legitimate self-defense rights is a clear provocation and gangster-like logic," the statement said, citing Reuters January 14. The DPRK is the initials of North Korea's official name.

The statement warned of a stronger and unspecified reaction if the United States took a confrontational stance.

North Korea's foreign ministry said while Washington might talk about diplomacy and dialogue, its actions showed it was "still engrossed in its policy of isolating and strangling" North Korea.

"The US is deliberately escalating the situation even with the activation of independent sanctions, not content with referring the DPRK's fair activities to the UN Security Council," the statement criticized.

Earlier, the administration of US President Joe Biden on Wednesday imposed its first sanctions on North Korea's weapons program following a series of North Korean missile launches, including two tests since last week.

He also called on the UN Security Council to take action against several North Korean individuals and entities, accused of violating security council resolutions prohibiting North Korea's development of missiles and nuclear weapons.

North Korea said the weapon recently undergoing trials was a 'hypersonic missile', which would increase its strategic military prowess.

Separately, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States had made clear it had no hostile intentions towards North Korea, was willing to engage in talks without preconditions. However, he called the tests dangerous and highly unstable.

Meanwhile, North Korea analyst at the Washington DC-based Wilson Center Jean Lee said North Koreans are calling this 'anti-American season'.

"Pyongyang escalates tensions with banned tests, when Washington responds with sanctions, North Korea gathers people around made-up threats. It justifies the regime to pour resources into its nuclear program," he wrote in a post on Twitter.

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