TANGERANG - A brawl between students occurred in Cikupa, Tangerang Regency, Banten. The brawl involved two groups of students from SMAN 31 Tangerang and SMK Taruna Karya. As a result, one student died.

Karno, one of the witnesses at the location of the brawl, said that the incident occurred on Wednesday, December 12, at around 16.30 western Indonesia time. The two groups of students involved in the brawl came from SMAN 31 Tangerang Regency and SMK Taruna Karya.

"At first I didn't know, suddenly two groups of students got into a brawl, in Cerewed Village, Pasir Jaya Village, Cikupa District," said Karno.

Meanwhile, one of the teachers of SMAN 31 Tangerang Regency, whose initials are TB confirmed that his students were involved in the brawl between students.

According to him, there were 10 students involved in the brawl. One of them died of serious injuries.

"One person died, currently being evacuated at the Balaraja Hospital," he said.

Tangerang Police Chief Grand Commissioner Pol Zain Dwi Nugroho said the officers immediately pursued the perpetrators following the incident.

"We have pocketed some evidence, and the crime scene has been processed to conduct further investigations related to student brawls in the Cikupa area," he said.

He said he also admitted that he had identified several of the actors involved based on the available evidence.

The Police Chief also deeply regrets the actions of the students who have just started Face-to-Face Learning (PTM) but have resorted to violence.

"Based on the evidence, there are some who are indicated as perpetrators of violence, which caused the death of this one student. It is very unfortunate, even though the PTM has just opened, but there has been a student brawl," he said.

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