BANDA ACEH - Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman said, it had been 11 days in a row as of Thursday that no Banda Aceh residents had been confirmed positive for COVID-19, or there were no new cases.

"Alhamdulillah, Banda Aceh continues to improve, the economy is gradually recovering and we hope that everything is under control. Let's pursue the green zone together," Aminullah Usman said in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, January 13.

Aminullah revealed, apart from no additional positive cases, there were also no more patients being treated or died from the virus. "This is a good sign for the people of Banda Aceh to slowly get up in the midst of this COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

As of this Thursday, cumulatively COVID-19 from March 2020 to date has reached 12,056 cases, of which 11,711 patients recovered, 345 people died, and there are no more patients being treated.

In addition, said Aminullah, Banda Aceh is also the area with the highest vaccination realization in Aceh. It has even exceeded the vaccine target set by the central government, which is above 70 percent.

"In all categories, our total first dose reached 102.68 percent and the second dose 73.01 percent. This is among the highest in Aceh," he said.

On this occasion, Aminullah hoped that all would not be satisfied with the current results, he still asked all residents to always be vigilant and continue to apply health protocols (prokes) during their daily activities.

“The situation can change at any time. However, we still have to try and pray as best we can so that this disease outbreak ends soon. All remain vigilant, and continue to be disciplined in the process," said Aminullah.

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