PONTIANAK - The team from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation, West Kalimantan Regional Police, arrested nine pimps for online prostitution involving minors in the Pontianak City area.

"The disclosure of the four cases of online prostitution is also inseparable from community reports which were immediately followed up by the Direskrimum Team of the West Kalimantan Police," said Director of the Ditreskrimum of the West Kalimantan Police Kombes Aman Guntoro in Pontianak, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 13.

He explained that of the four cases revealed, all TKP (the crime scene) in Pontianak City were revealed during January 2022, and nine suspects (pimps) were arrested.

"In this case, 18 victims were recorded, consisting of seven minors and 11 adults," he said.

The suspects were threatened with Law no. 35/2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23/2002 on Child Protection and the Criminal Code with a threat of 10 years in prison, and a fine of Rp. 200 million.

"From the results of our investigation, the suspects carried out their actions using social media, namely the MiChat application. The method or mode used by the suspects, namely there (through MiChat) they offered and set rates for dating," he said.

He added that, on average, the victims were lured by money by the suspects, so that the victims became tempted to get money easily through a short route, like what was done, namely the sex transaction.

"From their confession, the rates offered start from Rp. 300 thousand to Rp. 1 million for one date," he said.

On that occasion, he hoped that parents would monitor their children's interactions so they wouldn't make the wrong choice of friends.

"We also hope that community and religious leaders will participate in giving advice, so that the younger generation today is not wrong in socializing," he said.

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