JAKARTA - Two people sentenced to death in the dealer category were transferred from the Class IIA Jakarta Narcotics Prison or Cipinang Prison, to the Class IIA Correctional Institution (Lapas) Karanganyar Nusakambangan.

The transfer of the two death row convicts was carried out on Wednesday, January 12 night, under close supervision by the Head of the Correctional Security Unit (KPLP), the Jakarta Class IIA Narcotics Prison Security Officer, and members of the Mobile Brigade Corps.

"In total there are two death row convicts in the category of drug dealers who were transferred to Class IIA Karanganyar Prison." said the head of the Jakarta Narcotics Prison, Bayu Irsahara when confirmed, Thursday, January 12.

Bayu said the transfer of prisoners in the High Risk category was the implementation of the 3 Keys of Advanced Correctionalism and +1 that was echoed by the Director General (Dirjen) of Corrections, namely early detection of security and order disturbances, eradicating drugs, and synergy with Law Enforcement Officials (APH) and Back to Basic Correctional.

"The Director General has appealed to all of us to return to the duties and functions of the Correctional Center as it should be, so that unwanted incidents will no longer occur," he said.

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