KALTENG - The Central Kalimantan Police (Kalteng) appealed to the public to be aware of fraudulent acts by calling them by telephone pretending to provide information about a family member who had an accident.

Head of Public Relations Kombes Kismanto Eko Saputro said the appeal made by the authorities was related to public reports and the rampant fraudulent activity of this mode.

"The modus operandi of the fraud was on behalf of the school by providing information that the victim's child, who was an elementary school student, had an accident due to falling from stairs or the school bathroom and had bleeding in the back of the brain, so he needed serious treatment at the hospital," said Eko in a statement. Palangka Raya, Antara, Wednesday, January 12.

With this mode, the perpetrator then asked the victim's family to immediately send some money by transferring it through an ATM with the aim of redeeming the cost of the equipment so that the child was immediately treated medically.

Usually when they get a call with this kind of information, parents whose children happen to be at school suddenly panic. This situation is used by the perpetrator to give so that the victim immediately follows the request of the fraudster to transfer the requested money.

"Therefore, when receiving a number from an unknown person, parents should not easily believe it, especially when they ask for a money transfer because their child is undergoing treatment due to an accident at school," he explained.

Eko reminded the public not to easily believe if they received such information. Don't panic, let alone obey the perpetrator's wishes.

There's nothing wrong with doing crosschek regarding this. When in doubt, the public can go to the nearest police station to inquire about it.

"The nearest police station, which is located in the area where the community lives, is always ready to serve 1x24 hours regarding reports from the public so that people are not deceived by things like this," said Eko.

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