JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation issued a Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 44 of 2020 concerning Physical Type Testing of Motor Vehicles with Motor Driven Using an Electric Motor.

Head of the Legal and Public Relations Section of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation, Endy Irawan, explained that the issuance of this regulation was following the growing use of electric vehicles in Indonesia, including motorbikes, cars, and buses.

In addition, this environmentally friendly vehicle is said to be more efficient in operating expenses, compared to conventional-engined vehicles that still consume fuel.

"In addition to electric motorbikes, cars and buses, electric propulsion is also used in certain vehicles such as electric scooters, electric bicycles, hoverboards, unicycles and autopets," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, August 27.

Currently certain vehicles are in demand by the public because they are environmentally friendly, light, practical and economical.

To curb the use of certain vehicles, the government has also issued a Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 45 of 2020 concerning Certain Vehicles Using an Electric Motor.

"The PM regulates the technical requirements of the vehicle, the paths that can be passed, and the requirements of users," added Endy.

What is meant by certain vehicles with an electric motorbike in PM 45/2020 are electric scooters, electric bicycles, hoverboards, unicycle and otopets.

Certain vehicles that are currently popularly used are electric bicycles and otopets.

"The operation area of certain vehicles with electric motorbikes is bicycle lanes or lanes that are specially provided. Indeed, these vehicles can operate on sidewalks, but they must pay attention to the safety of other road users, namely pedestrians," said Head of the Section for Certification of Motor Vehicle Types, Directorate of Road Transportation Facilities Jabonor. .

Certain vehicles with electric motorbikes can also operate in certain areas, namely settlements, motorized free day locations, tourist areas, areas around public transportation facilities as integrated modes, office area areas, and off-road areas.

Furthermore, Jabonor said, the regency / city government could set a special lane or bicycle lane for that particular vehicle.

"Apart from that, what should be noted is that riders must wear a helmet, and be at least 12 years old," he said.

Certain vehicles such as autopets, which are not equipped with seats, are prohibited from being used to ride a car.

Then, modifying the motor power to increase the speed, is also prohibited. Otopet, hoverboard and unicycle, can operate at a maximum speed of 6 km / h. Meanwhile, electric scooters and electric bicycles can operate at a maximum speed of 25 km / hour.

Regarding the type test for electric motor vehicles, according to PM 44/2020, there are five important points being tested, namely: the performance of the electric accumulator; electric energy recharging devices; testing the protection capability against touch / electrical contact; functional safety; and hydrogen emissions.

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