KULON PROGO - A referral to neighbors (RT) in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) has entered the orange zone after 15 cases of COVID-19 were found in the last few days.

Spokesperson for the Kulon Progo COVID-19 Task Force, Baning Rahayujati, said that one orange zone is in Kalibawang District. "The orange zone appeared three days ago because in Kalibawang there have been many additions to COVID-19. Apart from the orange zone, in Kalibawang there is a yellow zone for one RT", Baning said in Kulon Progo, Antara on Tuesday, January 11.

In Kulon Progo there has also been an increase in the number of Yellow Zones spreading COVID-19, namely as many as seven RTs spread over two RTs in Wates, one RT Panjatan, one RT Pengasih, one Nanggulan RT, one RT Kalibawang and one RT Samigaluh.

"Although the yellow zone has seven RTs, it is still relatively low, at 0.16 percent of the total 4,478 RTs", she said.

From the records of the Kulon Progo Health Service, there was a significant increase last Sunday, January 9. On that day, eight cases were added from the PCR test results.

The case of COVID-19 transmission is also known to spread in several areas including Kalibawang Subdistrict, there are three cases, Samigaluh two cases, Panjatan one case, Wates one case, and Pengasih one case. Of the eight cases, two of them were hospitalized.

The addition of cases is quite different when compared to the previous days, where there were only one or zero cases.

Baning said that the addition of COVID-19 cases was transmitted from immigrants from outside Kulon Progo.

"The previous tracing results had guests from out of town", said Baning.

The findings of the transmission case also affected the COVID-19 situation in Kulon Progo. Currently, the total number of COVID-19 cases in the region has changed to 22,274. Of that number, 21,821 cases were declared cured or had finished undergoing isolation, then 15 cases were still undergoing isolation and 438 cases died.

"With the spike in cases, we urge the public to continue to apply health protocols (prokes) even though they have been vaccinated. Vaccines are one of the efforts to reduce the impact of disease from COVID-19", she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Kulon Progo COVID-19 Task Force, Fajar Gegana, said that his party is currently focusing on completing child vaccinations. Then after this stage is complete, his party will continue the second stage of surveillance or random swab for students and teaching staff in Kulon Progo.

"After vaccinating children, we will immediately resume vaccinations for the elderly and so on", he said.

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