JAKARTA - The head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara with the initials AB and his staff IJ are suspects in a suspected case of child sexual abuse.

"After the title of the case, we have upgraded our status from being reported to a suspect on August 22," said Alor Police Chief AKBP Agustinus Chrismas Tri Suryanto reported by Antara, Thursday, August 27.

Agustinus said that both of them had already been detained. Both are currently in the detention room or the Alor Police Headquarters cell for detention for the next 20 days.

He said the two were named suspects after the families of several children who were victims of sexual abuse reported the two suspects' lecherous acts to the police.

Both said that the Police Chief was charged with Article 81 Paragraph 5 Jo Article 81 Paragraph 2 Jo Article 81 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 76 D Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

The police themselves said he was wearing a weighting article, because the molestation case did not only happen to one underage child, but there were three children.

"The victim is more than one person. So that we wear the weighting article," he added.

The Police Chief added that in the case of the investigation, the two suspects also mentioned several names. However, the investigation team did not want to conclude immediately, because it was still in the deepening of the case.

"The evidence does not yet exist. If it is found, we will immediately take action against it, so that incidents of child sexual abuse do not occur again," he said.

He said that in the near future the case files of the two suspects will be sent to the Alor District Prosecutor's Office.

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