JAKARTA - The billboards of the NasDem Party DPP Treasurer Ahmad Sahroni with the slogan 'Dream of being President' are scattered in several regions of Indonesia.

On the billboard, Sahroni wore a jacket bearing the NasDem Party logo. His hands were raised up holding a poster that reads 'Dream of Becoming a President'. On his right and left, many children pointed at him, smiling.

So, does Sahroni intend to participate in the 2024 presidential election contestation? Are you looking for a sensation or joining PSI General Chair Giring Ganesha, who always boasts about being president?

A political observer from Al Azhar University in Indonesia, Ujang Komaruddin, believes that there are two implicit points in the billboard. First, they want to seek news publicity so that they can attract the public.

"Usually news or publications that attract the public are something different from what other politicians do," said Ujang to VOI, Monday, January 10. It is known, Giring has also been seen on a billboard that reads "Sleigh for President 2024".

"Because if we look at the capacity of Giring-Sahroni, it's not about the presidential candidate. So indeed Sahroni may be the target for the cagub or cawagub but the news is brought to the presidential candidate so that his publicity is seen by the public," explained Ujang.

The Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Review (IPR) said that the two were still very far away. The reason is, the electability of both Giring and Sahroni is only zero to zero.

"So I see that Sahroni has made two points. If we talk about the real president, he must also have electability. We know that Giring is zero, Sahroni has zero electability of the president," he said.

"But for the governor, Sahroni can be considered strong because he is indeed a member of the DPR for the DKI Dapil," said Ujang.

Investigate a investigation, Sahroni's billboards reading 'dream of becoming president' have indeed been spread in several regions of Indonesia since the end of 2020.

Meanwhile, Giring had declared himself running as a presidential candidate earlier than Sahroni's billboards were spread. Giring is ready to become a presidential candidate since August 2020.

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