MEDAN - The mugging of women in the city of Medan was caught on CCTV surveillance cameras and went viral on social media. The incident occurred on Jalan DI Panjaitan, Medan Baru District.

From the video footage, an unidentified man can be seen pulling a woman's bag and running away. As a result, the victim, whose identity has not been identified, fell and suffered head injuries.

An eye witness, Raja (19) said the incident occurred at 09.00 WIB, Sunday, January 9. At that time, the victim was walking with her child towards Jalan Gajah Mada.

"The perpetrator came from the opposite direction, and when he saw the mother, she immediately turned around and took her bag," he told reporters, Monday, January 10.

When the victim fell, the perpetrator alone fled. The victim immediately screamed and called for help from residents.

"The perpetrator immediately turned towards Jalan Sei Krio," he said.

According to him, the victim has made a report to the Medan Baru Police.

"When he saw our office CCTV, he went straight to the police station. Even from the police station, he was here yesterday," he said.

Separately, the Head of the Medan Baru Police, Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa when confirmed confirmed the incident. He said the police had arrested the perpetrator.

"We have arrested the perpetrators," said Kompol Fathir to VOI, Monday, January 10.

However, he has not explained the chronology of the arrests and the identity of the perpetrators in detail. "Please time, for the complete data, we will inform you later," he said.

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