SUKABUMI - His name is Bripda Sandi Bagus, a member of the police stationed at the Caringin Police Station, Sukabumi, West Java. His heroic act of breaking through traffic jams to deliver a pregnant woman was rewarded with a promotional award by the Sukabumi Police.

Bagus's heroic action took place at the Simpang Ratu section, Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. Due to traffic jams and the vehicle that the pregnant woman was traveling in broke down, Sandi immediately took the initiative. He transported the mother using a motorcycle taxi and escorted her to the hospital.

"Due to the alertness of Bripda Sandi Bagus who is on duty at the Caringin Polsek to save a mother who was about to give birth, the Sukabumi Police have agreed to give awards and promotions to the person concerned," said Sukabumi Police Chief AKBP Dedy Darmawansyah during a routine rally in Sukabumi, Antara, Monday, January 10.

According to Darmansyah, his subordinates deserved and deserved an award because of their dexterity in providing assistance to residents and having carried out their duties well as a police officer.

Good action, he said, deserves praise because during an emergency, a vehicle carrying a pregnant woman who was about to give birth suddenly broke down and got stuck in traffic.

It was not only Bagus who received the award, but also a number of personnel from the Cisolok Sector Police and the Sukabumi Police Sabhara Team who were on standby at the Karangwahu Beach Security Post. They saved the lives of children who were tourists who drowned on Karanghawu Beach during the peak of holidays and joint leave for Christmas 2021 and New Year's 2022.

"The dedication of these personnel must be an example and encouragement for all Polri personnel, especially those who are assigned to the Sukabumi Police, because when they are useful and useful, people will trust us," he said.

Darmansyah said, superiors will not hesitate to give various awards to every police officer who excels to promotion.

On the other hand, if you commit a violation, neglect your duties, let alone damage the image and good name of the police agency, your superiors will not hesitate to reward you with punishment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

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