JAKARTA - Krukut Urban Village, Taman Sari Sub-district, West Jakarta, through the local health center's health personnel, is targeting to be able to conduct a search on 500 close contact residents, after the discovery of 36 residents of the village who were exposed to COVID-19.

"Our total target is 500 people who will be traced and an antigen swab test will be carried out," said Krukut Village Head Ilham Nurkarin, at the tracing location in Krukut, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 10.

The 500 residents will be traced at four points, namely Garuda field, SMKN 35 field, STM Kampung Jawa, and Krukut Market. They will take a swab test.

According to Ilham, the purpose of tracing is to detect the spread of COVID-19 after the exposure of 36 residents. "If it is found that there are residents who are exposed, they will be evacuated to the Kemayoran Athlete's Wisma Emergency Hospital to carry out self-isolation," he said.

Ilham hopes that residents will cooperate by being willing to take an antigen swab test so that the spread of COVID-19 can be prevented.

Previously, as many as 36 residents of Taman Sari, West Jakarta, were found positive for COVID-19 based on the results of the antigen swab test and PCR.

Of the 36 people, 35 of them have been referred to Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, to undergo isolation, while one other person was taken to the hospital due to childbirth.

Ilham Nurkarin said this finding came from one of the residents who carried out an independent PCR test at a hospital in Taman Sari District after arriving from outside the city. The results of the PCR test came out on January 5 with a positive result.

Because of the test results, health workers conducted a search in the area where the first patient lived. Those who were in close contact were subjected to an antigen swab test and PCR. As a result, as many as 34 residents tested positive for COVID-19. The family of the first patient were among the 34 residents who tested positive for COVID-19.

Nurkarin could not confirm whether all of its citizens were exposed to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. "If the first one is confirmed to be positive for COVID-19, only the variant is still probable Omicron. The official release is from the Health Service," he said.

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