PANDEGLANG - The Pandeglang Police of the Banten Police have conducted a crime scene (TKP) and installed a police line for the massive explosion at a resident's house in Cisaat Village, Tangkil Sari Village, Cimanggu District, Pandeglang Regency, Sunday 9 January, at approximately 20.30 western Indonesia time.

Due to the explosion, one person died on behalf of UL (38), a motorcycle taxi driver, and one person was seriously injured on behalf of LI (36) as a housewife (IRT).

"It is true that on Sunday (December 9) night there was an explosion at the house of one of the residents of Tangkil Sari Village which resulted in one death and one serious injury," said Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Grand Commissioner Pol. Shinto Silitonga when confirmed on Monday, January 10.

The location of the explosion in one of the houses belonging to the base motorcycle taxi driver who died in Cimanggu, Pandeglang/Photo: Doc. Banten Police

In his statement, Shinto explained that the incident started at around 20.30 western Indonesia time at UL's house, which is located at Cisaat Village, Tangkil Sari Village, Cimanggu District, Pandeglang Regency, where an explosion was so loud that it could be heard as far as a radius of 10 KM.

"After hearing the sound of explosions, the surrounding community came to the scene from UL's house and found one body and one seriously injured person, LI, who is the wife of UL, was found by the residents concerned trying to get out of the house to save themselves from the rubble of the destroyed house," said Shinto Silitonga.

The witnesses to the explosion at the house of one of the residents include HN (35) Head of RT, UI (35) a seller, and IN (42) a seller.

"Until now, the Pandeglang Police continue to collect witnesses and evidence for the cause of the explosion," said Shinto Silitonga.

Finally, Shinto Silitonga added that the Pandeglang Police had made efforts regarding the explosion in the residents' houses.

"Cimanggu Police and Pandeglang Police have checked and installed police lines, the crime scene has been processed by the Pandeglang Police Criminal Investigation Unit, the victim who died UL has been taken to the Berkah Pandeglang Hospital for an autopsy and the seriously injured victim has been referred to the Berkah Pandeglang Hospital for health services," concluded Shinto.

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