JATIM - The Education Office (Disdik) of Sampang, East Java mediates a case of alleged violence perpetrated by a teacher at SMP Negeri 1 Camplong against his students. This case was reported to the local police.

According to the Head of Disdik Pemkab Sampang Edi Subianto, the alleged case of violence occurred in September 2021 during teaching and learning activities.

"Students who were victims of violence reported the incident to their parents, and the parents immediately reported it to the Sampang Police Headquarters," he said in Sampang, Antara, Sunday, January 9.

Cases of violence occurred in SMP Negeri 1 Camplong, Sampang, Madura, East Java. And this is the third time in the period 2018 to 2021.

The first case involved a teacher named Ahmad Budi Cahyono, an honorary teacher at SMA Negeri Torjun Sampang who was beaten by his own student until he died.

Second, it hit the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teacher at SDN Gunung Sekar 1, Sampang City District. The teacher was prosecuted for twisting the ear of a student.

Third, at SMP Negeri 1 Camplong Sampang. The teacher hit the students with wooden blocks, causing the victim to suffer bruising. The Sampang Education Office, he continued, was trying to mediate and reconcile the two parties.

"On Saturday, a peace agreement was reached between the teacher and the parents of the students, and we hope that this case will not happen again, because this concerns the good image of educational institutions," said Edi.

The results of the Sampang Police investigation against the parties stated that the alleged case of violence in the world of education that occurred at SMP Negeri 1 Camplong Sampang did indeed take place during teaching and learning activities on September 9, 2021.

The reason is because the students make noise in the classroom. A total of 10 students were beaten by a teacher with the initial W and dried in the hot sun on the school grounds.

According to Kadisdik Edi Subianto, the teacher's intention is good, namely to foster disciplined and ethical students. It's just that physical violence, like what was done to 10 students at SMP Negeri 1 Camplong Sampang, is not justified in the current era.

"We also cannot blame the parents of students who reported this case to the police, because they of course also understand the pattern of applying the right education and they also understand that educating by means of violence is a form of forbidden action," he said.

Therefore, continued Edi, his party tried to mediate to reconcile the two parties amicably.

The Head of Sampang Education Office further explained that there were two points of peace agreement when mediation was carried out which was attended by representatives of the parents of students who were victims, unscrupulous teachers, the Sampang Education Office, PGRI Representatives and the Acting Head of SMP Negeri 1 Camplong, Sampang.

First, Disdik Sampang was asked to make a policy that seeks to prevent similar cases from happening again.

"Secondly, the representatives of the parents of the victims of violence asked the Sampang Disdik to guarantee the victims of violence that they would not be discriminated against at school, so that they could study peacefully and we were able to comply with the requirements," said Edi explaining.

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