JAKARTA - The North Jakarta City Government is coordinating with PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) to overcome the problem of clean water difficulties experienced by some residents of Penjaringan Village.

"We are coordinating for immediate repairs and given an alternative with a tanker," said North Jakarta Mayor Ali Maulana Hakim, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 7.

Ali asked residents' complaints to be followed up by checking the pipelines in the area. The lack of clean water can be caused by the condition of the piping from the master meter that has not supplied water.

"The water supply is already in the master meter," said Ali.

In this master meter program, Palyja provides clean water connection facilities using a master meter to a number of locations on the west side of the North Jakarta area, including Penjaringan.

Previously, a number of residents of RW015 Penjaringan Subdistrict, Penjaringan Subdistrict, North Jakarta complained about the supply of clean water from Palyja which was not smooth and cloudy since the last three months.

Head of RT04 RW 09 Penjaringan Sub-district, Toni, in Jakarta, Thursday, said residents had reported problems with clean water, but Palyja, the operator of clean water supply and service in the area, had yet to respond.

"There have been reports, but the only response was from a technician who came to the location to check the meter," said Toni.

As a result, residents of four RTs in RW015, Penjaringan Sub-district, namely RT04, RT05, RT06, and RT07 lack clean water supplies for activities such as bathing and washing.

To meet their water needs, residents have to buy gallon water at a price of Rp. 6,000 per refill.

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