MATARAM - The panel of judges at the Mataram Corruption District Court sentenced the former Head of the West Nusa Tenggara Agriculture and Plantation Service (Distanbun) Husnul Fauzi to 13 years in prison.
"We hereby sentence the defendant Husnul Fauzi to 13 years in prison," said Chief Justice I Ketut Somanasa reading the verdict of the defendant Husnul Fauzi at the Mataram Corruption Court, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 7.
The judge also imposed a criminal fine on the corruption defendant in the R&D III hybrid corn seed procurement project in the 2017 Fiscal Year amounting to Rp600 million, subsidiary of four months in prison.
With this decision, the judge declared that the defendant's actions were proven guilty of violating Article 2 Paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20/2001 concerning Amendments to the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31/1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes Juncto Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the 1st Criminal Code in accordance with the contents primary indictment.
The judge stated this decision by considering the actions of the defendant who had been negligent in carrying out his responsibilities as the Budget User Authority (KPA) for the procurement project carried out by PT Sinta Agro Mandiri (SAM) and PT Wahana Banu Sejahtera (WBS).
Due to this negligence, the government's program for farming communities in 2017 was not implemented until a state loss appeared according to the results of the audit of the NTB Representative Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), amounting to Rp. 27.35 billion.
"Due to state losses of more than Rp. 25 billion, the corruption cases caused fall into the heavy category," he said.
The defendant's actions were also considered not to support the commitment to eradicating corruption, collusion and nepotism within the government. During the trial the defendant was called the judge also did not admit his actions.
Another consideration is related to efforts to facilitate the procurement of corn seeds which are part of the government's program to achieve food self-sufficiency, not only harming the state but also the people.
The verdict of the panel of judges is no different from the demands of the public prosecutor who previously demanded 13 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 600 million, subsidiary to 4 months in prison. Likewise with the demands regarding the actions of the defendant who was found guilty according to the primary indictment.
Both parties, both the defendant and the public prosecutor, responded by submitting a thought-provoking statement.
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