JAKARTA - The body of a woman was found in one of the rented houses in Kampung Kebantenan, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, on Monday, August 25. The woman with the initials HY is suspected of being the victim of murder.

"Yes, so far the suspicion is toward murder," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Tangerang Police, AKP Muharram Wibisono to VOI, Wednesday, August 26.

The victim, who was a widow of one child, was found wrapped. In addition, the rented house where the discovery was located is also locked. So it is strongly suspected that this woman is a murder victim.

From the results of the crime scene (TKP) and witness examinations, the police found a number of information. One of the things about the location of the incident was not the victim's rental house.

The rented house was rented by someone with the initials NZ. So, currently the police are still searching for his whereabouts to uncover the alleged murder case.

"We are still looking for it until now and we are still developing it," concluded Wibisono.

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