JAKARTA – Class 1 Cipinang Jakarta Correctional Institution (Lapas) officers managed to thwart narcotics smuggling using garbage trucks. The narcotics smuggling mode carried out by the perpetrators was by throwing drug packages into the garbage truck when they were about to enter the prison.

"His suspicions were correct. After arriving at the prison the items that were thrown turned out to contain drugs," said Head of Cipinang Class I Prison Tonny Nainggolan when confirmed, Thursday, January 6.

Tonny further said that after the officers found out, it was discovered that there were six packages of drugs that were smuggled, consisting of packages of methamphetamine and ecstasy pills.

According to Tonny, his party also arrested the garbage truck driver and interrogated him. The truck driver admitted that he was followed by two motorbike riders while picking up trash which was located not far from the Cipinang Prison.

Regarding the narcotics smuggling case, the Cipinang Prison has coordinated with the East Jakarta Metro Police. The evidence confiscated by officers was 59.6 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 49 supermen branded ecstasy pills. Then a used bottle containing 9.6 grams of methamphetamine.

"Anyone who is proven to be involved, both officers and correctional inmates, will be dealt with firmly," he said.

Until now, the case will be handled by the Narcotics Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police for further investigation.

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