JAKARTA - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, continues to implement face-to-face education (PTM) ranging from 75 percent to 100 percent, even though Cianjur has level 2 status, while 100 percent PTM is applied to schools with less than 300 students.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said that although based on the rules, the PTM limit at level 2 is 50 percent, but currently, he said, the status of this level is limited to administration, because based on the assessment, Cianjur is currently level 1.

"Based on the Ministry of Home Affairs, Cianjur is at level 2, because the data used is as of December 28, not December 29, where the vaccination percentage has reached 70 percent. If you update it as soon as possible, the assessment will be level 1, so the limitation is not only a maximum of 50 percent face-to-face, but 75 percent," Herman said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Cianjur Youth and Sports Education Agency (Kadisdikpora), Himam Haris, said that the 75 percent PTM rule applies to schools with more than 300 students, and 100 percent of those below 300 can enter.

"So there is 75 percent, there is 100 percent, depending on the number of students. If the students are few or below 300 people, it can be 100 percent. We are still recording schools with students above or less than 300 people, to facilitate monitoring," he said.

To prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the implementation of face-to-face learning, the local government through the relevant agencies will vaccinate children aged 6 to 12 years which will be implemented starting January 10, as an anticipatory measure.

"This vaccination celebration will be carried out simultaneously in all schools in Cianjur with a focus on students in grades 4.5 and 6. Next, we will continue to increase efforts to increase herd immunity in the school environment," he said.

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