LUMAJANG - The body of an Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) Sri Mindari (41) who was a victim of a ship sinking in the waters of Johor, Malaysia arrived at a funeral home in Kaliboto Kidul Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java.

At Juanda Airport, Sri Mindari's body was received by Sidoarjo Police Chief, Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro, and Head of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (UPT BP2MI) Surabaya, Happy Mei Ardeni, at Angkasa Pura T1 Cargo Terminal, Juanda.

The arrival of the coffin of the victim of the sinking ship to the funeral home with a police escort and arriving at the funeral home, the arrival of the coffin was greeted by the sobs of family and neighbors.

"On behalf of the government, we express our deepest condolences for the passing of Mrs. Sri Mindari as a victim of a shipwreck in Malaysian waters", said Deputy Regent of Lumajang, Indah Amperawati, at the funeral home, quoted by Antara on Wednesday, January 5.

Based on information from the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Surabaya, he continued, the victim, Sri Mindari, was also one of the victims of the syndicate perpetrators of illegally sending Indonesian migrant workers.

The Deputy Regent, who is familiarly called Bunda Indah, appealed to the entire community, especially prospective migrant workers, to use official channels so that they can be identified and receive protection from the state.

"In the future, people will be careful and no longer become illegal migrant workers so that they can be identified and protected properly between the two countries", she said.

Meanwhile, Head of UPT Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) Surabaya, Happy Mei Ardeni, said two migrant workers in East Java were victims of a shipwreck accident in the waters of Johor Malaysia, namely migrant workers from Lumajang and Jember Regencies.

"There are two migrant workers who are victims of shipwrecks from East Java, namely from Jember and Lumajang. We have facilitated migrant workers from Jember to return home, and now it's the turn of Lumajang residents", she said.

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