JAKARTA - Febri Diansyah is no longer a spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). He conveyed the news at the Corruption Eradication Commission Building, Kuningan, yesterday. The figure of his substitute is not yet clear.

Head of the Advocacy and Legal Aid Division of the Democratic Party, Ferdinand Hutahaean, said that the position of spokesperson is very necessary in an institution. Moreover, he said, for an institution like the KPK.

So, according to Ferdinand, we must be more careful in choosing spokesmen. Ferdinand assessed that it would be better if the KPK looked for a replacement spokesperson who came from internally, rather than from outside. Because, of the many employees of the anti-corruption agency, there must be someone who could be appointed as spokesman.

"In my opinion, the KPK does not need to look outside. Because the people in the KPK are qualified people and I think they are better from within. It would be more appropriate and insiders understand the intricacies of the KPK so there is no need to adapt and learn. again, "he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Friday, December 27.

According to Ferdinand, he did not blame any previous KPK employees' backgrounds. Because, according to him, the employees have undergone the recruitment process.

"I think it doesn't matter where the background is from. From the police from the TNI, where are they all recruited, civilians, of all kinds. The important thing is that the spokesperson for the future is able to convey something without any interest behind it. Moreover, there are interests. politics have certain interests, "he said.

However, Ferdinand suggested that in the future the KPK would not recruit spokesmen from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Ferdinand's statement is not without reason. According to him, this anti-graft agency needs a spokesperson whose function is only to convey factual events.

"For outsiders, maybe later the burden will be heavier. Because of what? This NGO tends to be offensive. So that later it is afraid that the offensive character of this NGO will be carried over to the KPK. So that this institution will be carried away as well as offensive towards other parties. not good, "he said.

Ferdinand explained that he hoped the KPK spokesperson would not participate in the polemic in the future. This is because his position is the spokesperson, conveying an event in a straightforward manner, and his words can be understood by the public. What's more, the power of opinion is very strong.

"So don't participate in polemics. Now, (Febri) is involved in polemics. Especially with Novel Baswedan, there is a lot of clutter, he said. So future spokesmen are not involved in anything like this anymore," he explained.

When asked which figure of the next spokesperson should be chosen, is it like Johan Budi or Febri Diansyah, Ferdinand was reluctant to respond.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Fadli Zon, assessed that a spokesperson is not a position that can make decisions. Therefore, whoever was chosen did not matter to him.

"The spokesperson is just a funnel. What matters is the commissioner. So whoever is up to it. Because it is not too significant in eradicating corruption," he said.

When asked further, from what kind of circles are suitable to be KPK spokesmen, whether NGOs, police, or civil servants. Fadli again said that he submitted the decision to the KPK to vote.

Meanwhile, when asked if it was better than a figure like Johan Budi or Febri Diansya as KPK spokesman, Fadli said this really depended on the KPK leadership.

"Just look at the needs. Sometimes it is adjusted to the taste of the leader. But people have a lot of expectations," he explained

In the same opinion, the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Andreas Hugo Pariera said that the spokesperson must have a match with the leadership. Because of that, he directed himself completely to the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

"The spokesperson is the executive position, not the decision maker, whichever the leadership is suitable for," he said.

As is well known, even though he is no longer the spokesperson, Febri Diansyah's position remains as Head of Public Relations at the anti-graft agency. Prior to his career at the KPK, Febri was known as an anti-corruption activist at the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

This 36-year-old man who was born in Padang, West Sumatra has a legal education background from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. When he was an activist, Febri received an award from the research institute Charta Politika Indonesia.

Charta Politika Research Director Yunarto Wijaya said Febri was listed as the observer with the highest statement intensity compared to other observers and activists.

After leaving ICW, Febri joined the KPK. But he previously held a functional position in the KPK's Directorate of Gratification. It was only on December 6, 2016, that he was appointed by the Chairman of the KPK, Agus Rahardjo, to become Head of the Public Relations Bureau. But at that time, Agus also mentioned Febri as a spokesman.

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