SURABAYA - The East Java Police Chief, Inspector General Nico Afinta, said he would arrest the illegal booster vaccine seller circulating in Surabaya. The government previously decided that the booster vaccine would be implemented in mid-January, but this third vaccine is said to have been circulating in Surabaya first.

"The booster vaccine is traded illegally, the Polrestabes and the Regional Police have formed a team to conduct an investigation related to this information," said Nico, in Surabaya, Wednesday, January 5.

The East Java Regional Police Chief confirmed that the practice of selling and injecting booster vaccines is illegal. This is because the booster vaccine for the public has only been officially launched by the government in January 2022, not in 2021.

"I want to convey that the government and all stakeholders are carrying out incessant vaccinations, in order to save the health and safety of the community. In fact, there are people who take advantage of their own benefits," said Inspector General Nico.

The Police Chief couldn't understand that, in the midst of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, there were people who took advantage of the situation to gain personal gain. Therefore, the East Java Police will take firm action against the perpetrators of the illegal booster sellers.

"In this process, there are people who are not responsible for taking their own interests. So this is what I need to emphasize to all so that it doesn't happen again and what is certain is that the person concerned will be legally processed," he said.

Not only that, the East Java Police Chief said, so far his party has also ensured that the vaccines distributed are in accordance with the SOP.

"In the SOP, the method of vaccination is clear. There are officers, there is a vaccine, and there is registration. We make sure that the existing vaccines are given in the appropriate quantities that came. Even if there are leftovers, they should be re-registered," he said.

The East Java Regional Police asked the public to be patient. Because his party is hunting for the people behind the sale of this illegal booster vaccine.

"The team is still working, yes. But what is clear is that those who steal, embezzle vaccines that should be given to people for their own benefit will be dealt with," he said.

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