JAKARTA - A total of 52 residents of Kalideres were subject to administrative and social sanctions for not wearing masks when doing activities outside their homes.

The tightening of health protocols (prokes) was carried out in order to anticipate the spread of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

"A total of 52 residents were sanctioned today during the operation on Jalan Menceng Raya, Tegal Alur," said Chief of Kalideres Civil Service Police (Kasatpol PP), Selvi Rahmawati, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 5.

Selvi said that 52 residents consisting of 44 were subject to social sanctions in the form of sweeping public facilities and the rest were subject to administrative sanctions.

According to her, the majority of the reasons violators do not wear masks, namely because they forget. Some of them admit that they don't have masks.

These reasons did not prevent the violators from being sanctioned by the Civil Service Police (Satpol PP) officers.

From the data provided by Selvi, it was recorded that one administrative violator was sanctioned IDR 250.000 each, two people were charged IDR 200.000 each and five people were charged IDR 50.000 each.

"In total, there is IDR 700.000 from violators today," said Selvi.

According to Selvi, the number of violators who do not wear masks is decreasing day by day. This can be seen from the observations of officers while on guard in the field.

Even though the number of violators is decreasing, Selvi will not relax mask operations in her area.

"We will continue to carry out this activity on a regular basis. Our goal is only to remind the public the importance of obeying the prokes," he said.

Previously, West Jakarta City Secretary Iin Mutmainnah again reminded residents to obey health protocols amidst the outbreak of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"I keep reminding myself to remain obedient to the health program. The health program must not be ignored under current conditions," said West Jakarta City Secretary Iin Mutmainnah when confirmed in Jakarta, Tuesday (4/1).

According to Iin, the current situation in handling the pandemic has improved. This can be seen from the decreasing number of cases from time to time.

However, this condition should not make the public ignore the implementation of the program. Precisely prokes should be more tightened considering the emergence of Omicron.

"We will also increase vaccinations to increase people's 'herd immunity'," said Iin.

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