JAKARTA - The youth brawl in Tambora, West Jakarta apparently involved other youths from outside the area. The call for the brawl came from the request of the MA perpetrator, alias Botak (19), a resident of Duri Pulo, Central Jakarta, to youths from Tebet, South Jakarta.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Moh Faruk Rozi said the perpetrator MA alias Botak invited his friends from the Kebon Baru area, Tebet, South Jakarta.

The incident began on Saturday January 1st. The bald perpetrator, who works as an online shop courier every day, received an order for delivery from Tomang to the destination of Sawangan, Depok, West Java.

"After the parcels were sent, they returned home via Pasar Minggu road to the Tebet area, South Jakarta. The perpetrators had intended to stop by the Kebon Baru area, Tebet for a while to meet colleagues around the location," said Kompol Faruk, Tuesday, January 4, evening.

The police chief explained that the perpetrator met his colleague with the initials AA at his house. Then MA and several other people chatted at a nearby shop while buying cigarettes and drinks.

Some of AA's other friends were also at the location with motorbikes and riding with each other.

In that chat, the MA perpetrator intended to invite his friend, initials AN, to come with him to ride a motorcycle. Furthermore, the group of approximately four motorbikes rode together towards the area around Duri Selatan, Tambora, West Jakarta.

When the MA group passed through Jalan Duri Selatan Raya, it was seen that several unknown youths were gathering in groups as if they were going to do a brawl.

Precisely on Sunday, January 2, 2022, at around 02.30 WIB, a group of youths from Lontar Duri and Earthquake will organize a brawl. The Supreme Court also took the initiative to take 2 units of golf club bats which he had stored a few days earlier around the Duri Railway.

"So when the brawl will start, the perpetrators have prepared various sharp weapons," said the police chief.

Meanwhile, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tambora Police, AKP Yugo Pambudi, explained that the MA perpetrators were arrested in a boarding house around Duri Selatan, RT 10/05, Tambora, West Jakarta. Inside the house of the MA perpetrator, various types of sharp weapons and batons were found.

"A sickle, sword and golf club were confiscated. In front of investigators the evidence was acknowledged by the perpetrator. Previously it had been used to fight and injure opponents," he said.

MA was forced to deal with the police. Apart from being charged with possession of sharp weapons, the Supreme Court is also strongly indicated to be the mastermind of the provocateurs of the brawl. The reason is he has coordinated and invited the masses from outside West Jakarta to brawl. The Supreme Court was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law no. 12 of 1951.

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