JAKARTA - Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, issued a circular regarding the prevention and control of cases of COVID-19, the Omicron variant, to be implemented in all regions in Indonesia.

"The addition of Omicron confirmed cases in Indonesia is still dominated by Indonesian citizens who have just returned from overseas trips. The Ministry of Health recorded that there were 92 new confirmed cases on January 4, 2021", said Ministry of Health Spokesperson, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, in a written statement quoted by Antara on Tuesday, January 4.

Nadia said the total number of Omicron cases in Indonesia is currently 254 cases, consisting of 239 cases from international travelers or imported cases and 15 cases of local transmission.

“The majority (of transmission) is still dominated by foreign travelers. From the results of monitoring, most of them are mild and asymptomatic. The most common symptoms are coughs (49 percent) and colds (27 percent)", she said.

Nadia said Omicron has a much faster transmission rate than the Delta variant. Since it was first discovered on November 24, 2021, in South Africa, now Omicron has been detected in various countries and is expected to continue to expand. At the national level, the movement of Omicron has also continued to increase since it was first confirmed on December 16, 2021.

As a form of government preparedness in preventing and controlling the transmission of the Omicron variant, said Nadia, the Ministry of Health issues Circular (SE) Number HK.02.01/MENKES/1391/2021 regarding the Prevention and Control of Cases of COVID-19 Variant Omicron (B.1.1.529) signed by the Minister of Health on December 30, 2021.

"The issuance of this regulation is to strengthen synergies between the central government and regional governments, health service facilities, health human resources, and other stakeholders as well as to equalize perceptions in the management of patients with positive confirmation of COVID-19", she said.

In addition, the Ministry of Health also encourages regions to strengthen 3T (Testing, Tracing, Treatment) activities, actively monitor if new clusters of COVID-19 are found, and immediately report and coordinate with the center if confirmed cases of Omicron are found in their area.

"The main point of this regulation is to strengthen central and regional coordination and health facilities in dealing with the threat of Omicron transmission. Given that in recent times, local transmission cases have continued to increase. Therefore, regional readiness in responding to the spread of Omicron is very important so as not to cause new clusters of COVID-19 transmission", she said.

In addition to readiness in terms of health facilities and infrastructure, said Nadia, individual vigilance must continue to be increased to avoid the potential for Omicron transmission. The 5M (Wearing a Mask; Washing hands; Keep the distance; Stay away from the crowds; Limiting Mobilization) health protocol and vaccination must go hand in hand as the key to protecting yourself and those around you from Omicron transmission.

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