SUMBAR - West Pasaman Police, West Sumatra continues to implement road restrictions by conducting vaccine raids in order to achieve the 70 percent target.

West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP M. Aries Purwanto said his party was still consistent by continuing to implement road restrictions to achieve this target.

"It is proven by the restrictions on the road that there are still many people who have not been vaccinated," he said at Simpang Empat, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, January 4.

For people who have not been vaccinated, his party has opened a vaccine booth which is not far from the restriction point on the road. During the raid, the police also prepared a team of vaccinators to make it easier for people to get vaccinated.

Aries explained that the restrictions on the road were aimed at making it easier for people to get vaccines. This activity coincides with the distribution of basic necessities to people who have received the vaccine.

"We really appreciate those who are aware to undergo vaccination. This is to give appreciation to people who have been willing to receive the vaccine," he said.

Aries emphasized on his staff who carry out their duties to always be enthusiastic and not slack in carrying out the vaccination program. He is optimistic that the West Pasaman target of reaching 70 percent can be achieved so that herd immunity is achieved.

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