BANDUNG - The long line of applicants for divorce at the Bandung Regency Religious Court went viral on social media. This queue occurred several times.
The young clerk of the Soreng Religious Court lawsuit, Ahmad Sadikin confirmed that within one month, his party had received divorce suit files of up to nearly 1,000 applications
Ahmad also confirmed that most of the reasons for the applicants for divorce in Bandung Regency were motivated by economic factors.
"If taken, an average of about 800 per month, about 30 per day. The reason is classic, yes because of income and economic factors. That's more than any other reason, "said Ahmad, Tuesday, August 25.
From data from the Bandung Regency Religious Court, an increase in applicants for divorce has occurred since June. This is likely because the court limited the filing for divorce from March to May.
"During COVID-19, it was closed for 2 weeks. Then opened but limited. So, entering the month of June, it began to expand, ”said Ahmad Sadikin.
One of the petitioners for divorce, Elie (42) said that the queue at the Soreang Religious Court was busy.
"I want to apply for a divorce, it is indeed very busy in there. The queue is quite long, I think it is the season for divorce," he said.
This Cinunuk resident admitted to filing for divorce because of worsening economic problems. Plus the conditions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
"The essence of the problem is the economic factor. The point is we are getting married, we don't want life to be more difficult than before, but we want a change. Yes, maybe my partner is not up to it, especially now that the conditions are very difficult to get rich now," he said.
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