JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, has asked for the implementation of the 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM) policy to be evaluated until the implementation of vaccination for children has been evenly distributed. This step, according to him, needs to be done, especially now that there is a threat of a new variant of the COVID-19 virus, namely Omicron." We ask the central government and regional governments to consider the input of a number of experts who object to the implementation of 100 percent PTM considering that Omicron is spreading," said Puan in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, January 3. January 3, entering the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The policy refers to the Joint Decree (SKB) of 4 Ministers concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period which allows regions with PPKM level 1 and level 2 status to apply PTM 100 percent. Puan asked the government to consider the advice of experts who want 100 percent of PTM not to be not implemented at this time. "Not all schools have adequate facilities, facilities and infrastructure to support PTM 100 percent. The government must consider the readiness of each school so that the implementation of the policy should not be generalized," he said. Puan assessed that 100 percent PTM was still vulnerable, especially for children aged 6-11 years. COVID-19 for school-age children has been completed. "Complete vaccinations first while monitoring the readiness of each school, only after that it will be decided whether schools are ready to implement 100 percent PTM," he said. -Hurry up to do PTM 100 percent because the safety of children must be the main priority.

He emphasized the importance of being careful with policy makers regarding PTM issues so that the government needs to pay attention to the report of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) which states that there are still many violations of health protocols in schools, including teachers who do not wear masks when interacting with children. it needs to be done to ensure that every aspect of readiness, including the implementation of health protocols, has been complied with by schools in all regions," he said. According to him, schools must still facilitate students to study online if their parents do not allow them to attend face-to-face schools. there are parents who are afraid to send their children to do PTM," she said. Puan understands that children experience "cognitive learning loss" after almost 2 years of distance learning, but this problem can be overcome with innovative learning methods.

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