JAKARTA - Social media activist Permadi Arya alias Abu Janda criticized Bahar Smith and his followers who criticized Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman for saying "God is not an Arab."

According to Abu Janda, the criticism and even accusations of contempt for Islam from Bahar Smith's followers are only a form of persecution for parties who are considered opposite or political opponents.

Abu Janda then compared it with the statement of political observer Rocky Gerung who once called the Holy Book only fiction or fantasy.

According to Bahar's followers, what Rocky Gerung said did not insult Islam because it did not specifically mention the Qur'an.

In fact, continued Abu Janda, KSAD Dudung's statement also did not specifically mention Allah in the statement 'God is not an Arab.'

"General Dudung said that our God is not an Arab, but he doesn't specifically mention Allah! But why did someone suddenly get angry saying General Dudung insulted Islam? Dudung insults Islam and defends Rocky Gerung with the argument that Rocky Gerung only mentions the holy book that is not specific to the Qur'an, so Rocky Gerung is not insulting Islam," said Abu Janda through his official Instagram reels, @permadiaktivis2, quoted on Monday, January 3.

"So the difference is clear, Army Chief of Staff Dudung mentions that God does not specifically mention Allah, they despise Islam, Rocky Gerung mentions that the holy book does not specifically mention the Qur'an, which they consider not insulting Islam," added Abu Janda.

With this comparison, according to Abu Janda, it is clear that the case of insulting Islam is up to the interpretation of groups like them. If a friend like Rocky Gerung is considered not to insult Islam, then if the opponent is insulting Islam.

"So they only use the article on blasphemy to persecute political opponents," said Abu Janda.

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