JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin said that the renovation of the Attorney General's building which was burned will use the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN), through the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR).

"Yes (use APBN). If that's later. Most importantly, we are conducting (investigations) what caused the fire first. After that, ask PUPR whether the building is still feasible or not, then we will talk about the budget there," said Burhanuddin. to reporters, Monday, August 24.

Even though it will use APBN, the process of planning to renovate the building of the Attorney General's Office needs to be consulted with the Jakarta Cultural Heritage Restoration Session Team (TSP), even though until now the Attorney General's building has not been registered as a cultural heritage.

The reason is, said Head of the Cultural Protection Division of the DKI Jakarta Culture Service, Norviadi Setio Husodo, that the building located on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin Dalam is included in the Kebayoran Baru restoration area.

"From the Provincial Government there will be a Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB) and there is a TSP. So, it cannot be calculated how many days it will take to repair it," said Novriadi.

In addition, in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Number 475 of 1993, it is stated that activities to restore, repair, change shape, change colors, replace building elements, move, dismantle and so on must be with the permission of the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

"In the document of Decree No. 475 of 1993 which contains the designation of a cultural heritage building, the building is not registered in the decree. Even though it has not been registered as a cultural heritage, the treatment is the same," he said.

Novriadi also said that the budget for renovating the Attorney General's building would be borne by the institution itself. "In the ownership status there is an item master card (KIB). The inventory belongs to the prosecutor's office, that means the budget comes from the agency that manages it," said Novriadi.

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