BANDA ACEH - The SAR team evacuated flood victims due to overflowing river water following heavy rains in a number of villages in the upstream area of Aceh Tamiang Regency.
Head of the Aceh SAR Task Force Tamiang Khairul said the evacuation was carried out in two villages, namely Pengidam Village and Pekan Babo Village, Bandar Pusaka District.
"The water has started to rise since early Sunday. SAR personnel evacuated residents using rubber boats. The evacuation involved six personnel and waited for other officers to come down to the location," Khairul said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 2, 2022.
He said the flood was caused by the overflow of the Simpang Jernih river, East Aceh, which borders the Bandar Pusaka sub-district, Aceh Tamiang district.
According to Khairul, the evacuation was carried out for residents whose houses were flooded with a height ranging from 50 to 80 centimeters. In addition to residents' houses, the flood also submerged roads between villages.
Head of Bandar Pusaka Sub-district Cakra Agie said that his party was still collecting data on flood victims and which villages or villages were flooded due to the heavy rains.
"So far, the village that has been severely affected by the flood is Pengidam Village. The flood has also inundated roads covering several villages to Pekan Babo, the sub-district capital," said Cakra Agie.
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