JAKARTA – The manager of the Ujung Pandaran Beach tourist attraction in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province provides conditions for visitors who want to travel in that place. The condition is that visitors must follow the COVID-19 vaccination.

"Earlier, the temporary information I received was that approximately 300 people have been vaccinated. This is a regional government policy in an effort to continue to suppress the transmission of COVID-19," said Sampit Bay Sub-district Head, Juliansyah in Ujung Pandaran, quoted on Saturday, December 1.

The East Kotawaringin Regency Government is indeed still opening the tourist attraction, which is located in Teluk Sampit District, this New Year's holiday season. However, health protocols and restrictions are in place to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

In addition to setting up checkpoints, local governments also implement travel tracking of people as a monitoring effort. Every visitor who will enter Ujung Pandaran Beach must activate the PeduliLindung application.

The officer checked the evidence that the visitor had been vaccinated. If it turns out that it has not been vaccinated, it will be offered to be vaccinated immediately by health workers who are already prepared at the location.

If someone has not been vaccinated and refuses to be vaccinated, they will not be allowed to enter the tourist attraction area, unless their health condition does not allow them to be vaccinated.

Those who will be vaccinated also continue to have their health conditions checked to ensure that they meet the health requirements to be injected with the COVID-19 vaccination.

"The checkpoints and vaccinations were set up in front of the Ujung Pandaran Health Center. The vaccination officers from the Ujung Pandaran Health Center were assisted from other health centers," said Juliansyah.

Ujung Pandaran Beach is about 85 kilometers from downtown Sampit, the capital city of East Kotawaringin Regency. This beach overlooking the Java Sea has always been the most popular tourist attraction during the holiday season, including the current New Year's holiday.

Juliansyah explained that the regional government would continue to open the Ujung Pandaran Beach tourist attraction on the condition that health protocols must be carried out strictly to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. For this reason, the public is asked to understand the policy.

Didit, one of the visitors welcomed the policy positively. According to him, this is in the interest and safety of all so that there is no transmission of COVID-19.

"I myself have been vaccinated, but our group was also vaccinated. It's not because he hasn't been vaccinated all this time, but because he lives in the village and hasn't had time to participate," said Didit.

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