BANDARLAMPUNG - The Regent of Pesawaran, Badarlampung, Dendi Ramadhona rebuked tourist attractions in his area that did not apply health protocols (prokes) strictly to visitors who came.

"I have reviewed tourist sites. It turns out that there are still people who exceed capacity and the implementation of the prokes is not strict and we have warned them directly," said Dendi Ramadhona in Pesawaran, Lampung, Antara, Saturday, January 1.

Dendi appealed that every tourist destination must implement strict procedures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. If there are still those who do not heed, then it will take strict action.

"If there are still those who do not apply the procedures, such as crowds and do not wear masks and excess capacity, we will take a policy to close this tourist destination again," he said.

He also asked the management of tourist destinations in Pesawaran not to accept and limit visitors after the specified capacity was met or 50 percent of normal conditions.

"Pesawaran Regency has indeed made a policy of opening tourist destinations with strict prokes requirements. So I ask for cooperation with the task force from tourism owners so that their capacity is limited," he said.

In a review of a tourist destination, the Regent of Pesawaran, Dendi Ramadhona, asked tourists to implement health procedures and admonished tourism managers to provide masks for visitors and be active in educating health protocols.

Meanwhile, the manager of one of the marine tourism sites in Pesawaran, Mutun Ms Town, Aan, said that his party had prepared an independent task force to warn visitors about health promotion.

"We have 6 members of the task force. Accompanied by the district task force, the village also warns about the health promotion," he said.

Meanwhile, he continued, his party will also restrict visitors to its tourist sites, according to regulations implemented by the government.

"It is estimated that only 20 percent of the 5,000 people will enter. When it is maximal, it will be rolled out, so the vehicles lining up are not turned back but waiting for someone to leave and then take turns," he said.

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